Wednesday, February 15, 2006

To my Manager...
(An IT guy's woe...)

Release me or I shall quit
Rather to sulk and sit.

Days ahead in this project, I am unsure
Things will never become better here, is one thing I am sure.

I stepped into this project with great expectations
The build-up given about the project was so high
Only to realize, in a few months that
Little knowledge I learnt and my enthusiasm go dry.
Great project, good people, high rewards...Promises are many
In my career plan or in this project, I don’t find these any.

I asked not for hike
Neither for a 'foreign-trip'
Nor a position of 'leadership'
All I asked is a work to put my skills to test
Where I can give my best.

Management and decisions will think in their own way
In vain, will go whatever I say.
All their priorities may vary
But I can’t comprise my career. I am sorry.

I belong to small group of techno-passionate tribe
And I don’t mind if
'Silly', 'idiotic', 'arrogant, 'adamant', 'stupid' ..etc
Are the words used to describe my tribe.
Flexible I can be to some extent
As long as in my career plan,
It doesn’t create a dent.

My skills in the market is hot
And if I continue here
I am sure to rot.
Outside options in my hand are many
Some sweet like honey
For people outside, I am valued more
Continuing here will make me sore.

This tough decision is not out of an emotional outburst or by chance
But was thought and planned many times in advance.
I weighed the complications and implications,
Factors for retention and my clear intentions
I know my decision will not mean any fun
And I could be target for 'top heads'' gun.
Risk is last thing I am willing to take
All for my career's sake.

All decided, said and done
I am waiting for your decision
Release me or I shall quit
Rather to sulk and sit.

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